Only 100 blocks for sale - 63 chances to win - deadline to submit (required form) is March 18TH and payment due (cash, check or online) by March 19TH.
Sign up for SCRUMPTIOUS Pittsburgh Pierogi Truck delights that are perfect for your Lenten meals. Find Instructions, Google Order Form, online ePayment Option and very important deadlines and pickup details. YUUUUM!
The 8th grade class is collecting cat & dog food for our neighbors in need - most especially elderly pet owners & their beloved companions.
A student who brings in 5 cans/pouches of food on Thursday, January 23rd may bring a pair of slippers or UGGs to wear during the school day!
On Friday, February 21st - find all of the details including Order Form and payment options (both due Tuesday, February 18th) as well as dine-in or take options!
The Teacher Appreciation Christmas Gift Fund, organized by the St. Bede School PTG, pools together money for our awesome teachers and is then distributed proportionally based on the amount of time the teacher spends with your child.
Don't forget to pick up your Christmas flowers and greenery on Friday, December 6th in the Saint Mary Magdalene Activities Room (corner of S. Dallas & Willard St.).
We met our goal, Way to Go!
Thank you to all of you who came out and supported our school.
Whether through supporting financially, spreading the word, or coming out to volunteer and walk!
St. Bede School PTG is partnering with the greenhouse used by Phipps Conservatory to bring you special & merry Christmas flowers as well as greenery.
The plants make wonderful holiday gifts for everyone - Poinsettia, Cyclamen, Amaryllis, Christmas Cactus, Wreaths, Garland, Swags & stunning Poinsettia Topiary are available!
Order deadline is Wednesday, November 20th
Order pick-up is on Friday, December 6th
RSVP for the annual celebration of everything St. Bede School - for all students, faculty, staff and Beders for Life alumni - the St. Bede School FAMILY!
Don't miss the opportunity to reserve register to play, join the dinner, sponsor a hole or make a donation for the 10th Annual St. Bede School Golf Outing - Sunday, October 20, 2024.
The PERCES football program will begin with the school year 2024-2025. On June 22, 2024 there will be a meeting/get to know at Serra High School. Link to attached flyer for more information.
Central Catholic Crew/Rowing Club is working to add a middle school program this fall. The club is looking for 16 boys that will be entering the 6th, 7th or 8th grade in the Fall of 2024.